S o u n d P r a c t i c e s
by the Sea
Brugge, Belgium

Andrea Lowry, MA, RMT, CP
Andrea is a native Texan who grew-up singing in East Texas but she is also a Belgian citizen. She attended SMU in Dallas and earned an degree in Music Therapy. For 15 years, she provided clinical music therapy and related activities for a variety of populations - from alcohol and drug rehabilitation, adolescent and adult psychiatry to chronic pain patients. Her first performance group, “the Virtual Band” shared her original folk songs at local festivals and benefit venues in Alabama in the 90's. Based in Europe now, she teaches and performs regularly. She completed a Masters Degree from CSUDH and certification as a Psychodrama Director from the Swedish Moreno Institute but most recently completed Professional Sound Therapy diplomas with distinction from the British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) in June 2019 and 2021.
Now semi-retired, she actively volunteers her teaching and performance skills in Belgium, where she provides community building support, Sound Journeys, and experiences of creative and mindful approaches to life's challenges. During the sheltering in place in London she assisted charity organizations in the development of telephone support programs for the most vulnerable members of the community. She was named to the board of the Therapeutic Sound Association in 2020. Building community is something she loves - and even during the pandemic - she was seen conducting spontaneous neighborhood events - 'Sharing at the Crossroads' that encouraged a sense of joy, play and celebration through sharing simple songs, bad jokes, stories and poetry which continues today. She is a Vipassana meditator and enjoys cooking and gardening. Life’s too short! Is her most recent CD recorded in Germany and on sale now. She was featured on Good Morning Britain with Bill Turnbull and Susan Reid playing her Himalayan singing bowls in May 2021. Her original soundscape INVOCATION was also featured in Worldwide FM World Peace Day Broadcast 2021. From her homebase in Brugge, she sang with the choir 'THE BARE NECESSITIES' for her first 2 years in Brugge and is now an alumni, she provides a monthly open mic with 'TARANTA vzw' on a boat in the canal, and volunteers in her community. She is the online musician for True Heart Playback Theater troupe in London. She was featured in the Concertgebouw Brugge season brochure 2023. Her recent 2023 interview with MysticMag link is on the homepage. Be on the lookout for her monthly Sound Journey offerings and Open Mics.